
How long does shipping take?

All products are shipped from my office in Germany.
DHL transports the parcel to your destination country. From there it gets delivered by your local post service (e. g. Royal Mail, USPS…).

How long shipping takes depends on your location:

In Germany: 2 - 4 days
In Europe: 5 - 7 days
North America: About 2 weeks
Rest: About 4 weeks

How is shipping cost calculated?

Shipping cost depends on the destination country, as well as total weight of your order (for example, socks are lighter than a mouse pad).

Do you ship to my country?

I ship worldwide. Please contact me if your country isn’t available in the Shop-Checkout and I’ll try to add it :)

How do I change my shipping address?

Please contact me via E-Mail as soon as possible. (Don’t forget to mention your Order Number).

My parcel has not yet arrived.

For every order you receive a DHL tracking link. From there you can see all shipping updates for your parcel. As soon as the parcel has arrived in your destination country you can also check for more information over your local post service.

In some cases it may take a bit longer than usual, this could be caused by slower processing in customs or delayed flights. For any other problems please contact me via E-Mail.